Camel Milk

среда, 14. јун 2017.

Islander Survival Pack of 5 (15mL)


Stranded never tasted so good! With the Islander survival pack you choose your nicotine level and  5 flavors of vape juice (15mL).  We will include a burlap bag to keep your goodies secure along your next island adventure.

Additional information
Weight     N/A
Dimensions     N/A
Nicotine Level    

0 mg, 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg, 18 mg
Flavor 4    

5 O'Clock Somewhere, Alpine Frost, Custard's Last stand, Dawn of the Living Grapefruit, Geisha Moon Song, Granny "Tart" Smith, Jungle Juice, Key West Sunset, The Lazy Iguana, Little Mean Vanilla Bean, Lord of the Truffle, Midnight Decadence, Once In a Blue Moon, Organic Menthol Drops (10ml), Pirates Gold, Random Flavor, Ring of Fire, Snowbird's Grove, Teachers Pet

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